Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Beginning of the Goodbyes

La Famille Fayet,
Comment je peux commencer à dire merci? Depuis le premier jour, vous m'avez fait sentir les bienvenus. Vous êtes toujours gentils et je suis reconnaissante  pour tous que vous avez fait pour moi. Je pars avec des bons souvenirs, merci pour ces souvenirs, pour tous les voyages, pour votre bonté, pour tous.  Je ne sais pas quand ou comment je pourrais vous voir encore, mais j’espère quand même que je serais capable de retourner dans le futur et rendre visite chez vous. Vous avez tous toucher mon cœur, vous n’êtes pas que ma famille d’accueil, mais vous êtes ma famille dans mon cœur. Vous avez m’appris beaucoup des choses, vous allez rester dans mon cœur et dans ma vie pendant toute la vie. C’est vraiment dur de vous quitter. C'est incroyable combien vous signifie pour moi en cinq courts mois. Je vous promets que je vais envoyer des photos, des nouvelles, et on va skyper. Je vous promets que je reviendrai un jour. Si vous voulez venir à Tacoma, vous êtes tous toujours bienvenue chez moi.
Encore, merci pour tous. Vous allez me manquer beaucoup. Je vous aime.
Lydia Mangan

Ta fille américaine 

Sunday, June 2nd, I left my wonderful Fayet family, and moved back to my first host family. I won't lie, it was incredibly hard to do. The weekend before, my host mom Anne-Catherine had thrown me a little party with my exchange friends and family. At first, I didn't understand why my friends were standing in the living room yelling "Surprise!", but after it was explained that my mom wanted to celebrate my last weekend with them, I was incredibly touched and gave her a huge hug. This family truly made me feel as if I was a part of the family. They included me and my family in their prayers, they took care of me when I was sick in my first few days with them, and were there for me through emotional issues. My host mom was always so sweet, my host siblings were always so adorable. They'll always have a place in my heart and I will miss them dearly. 

The night before my departure I began crying at the dinner table. My host sister, Therese, gave me a hug and told me she loves me, and I said I love her too and everyone said "Awwww" and a couple other siblings joined in the hug, so naturally the tears flowed. Sunday morning I wrote the letter above for my family and attended mass with them. We ate lunch in the garden and they sang songs as my host brother played the guitar. Upon leaving the house, my family played "The Star Spangled Banner" in the dining room so that it could be heard outside, held a large French flag and saluted until the song ended. They sang "The Port of Tacoma" and hugs and kisses were exchanged as I cried and climbed into the van. My host parents, and Therese, Etienne, and Charles escorted me back to my first family. They stayed for coffee, a strawberry tart, and small talk. I walked them back to their car then returned to me first host family.

Parting with my second host family struck me pretty hard. I assumed it was because that was the first goodbye of my exchange and because I was realizing more and more everyday how close my exchange was to its end. I had merely a month left before I would have to say goodbye to everyone. To the wonderful exchange students that had become my closest friends and to my caring families who were so kind and welcoming. It was difficult to think that this amazing experience was coming to a close, but it was inevitable. I knew this would happen from the very first day.

The Fayet family had always been so wonderful to me, they included my family in their prayers, they were there for me when my grandfather passed away, and they made me feel so loved. I really felt like I was a family member. I realize I'm repeating myself, but that goes to show how magnificent they were. This post is dedicated to them for that.

Les Fayets, merci encore et encore. Je vous aime beaucoup. À bientôt. 

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful that you were able to meet such wonderful people and to create lovely memories with them! What a great experience you have had! It sounds like you will always stay in touch with your French families and exchange program friends.
